What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Randall Munroe
How many times a day do you wonder about the “what if” of life? For some people they have asked what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning but the air didn’t. Others are plagued with not knowing how they would die if they started floating into the sky. Would it be the freezing temperatures or suffocation that gets the best of you? Could you really shoot a bunch of arrows up into the sky to block out the sun like in the movie 300? If so, how many would it take? If these are the types of questions that make you go hmmm, then this book is for you. Through stick figure drawings, scientific reasoning, mathematical equations, interviews and lots of research, author Randall Munroe seeks to answer the questions sent to him by people just like you. The outcome is a humorous and intriguing collection of “What if” scenarios.

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