Viva Rose!

Susan Krawitz
Rose lives in El Paso, Texas with her parents and brother Abraham. Her jewish mother insists that now that she’s 13, she should give up her wild and childish ways, act like a lady and find a husband. This is so not on her radar. On a trip to the general store she spies a photo in the newspaper featuring Pancho Villa and his men. Then she notices one of the men looks just like Abraham. What?! But he’s supposed to be visiting their eldest brother in New York. Rose can’t believe that he’s a low down bandit. Determined to get a letter to Abe, threatening to tell their parents of his secret, she gets captured by Pancho Villa's men. Now what is she going to do? Stuck in Villa’s camp and no Abraham in sight, she must formulate a plan to get back. But how? “Viva Rose,” Is a fabulous story that weaves the Jewish culture with Pancho Villa and his revolutionary army with a tale of self discovery.

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