Invincible Microbe: Tuberculosis and the Never-Ending Search for a Cure

Jim Murphy
*cough* *cough* Tuberculosis TB Consumption All names for the same germ that ravaged the bodies of so many - the same germ that continues to wreak havoc on the unlucky. Tuberculosis was a huge epidemic in America. Fresh air seemed to be a cure and so California used to advertise that moving out west would be the resolution. With the invention of the x-ray, there was a huge breakthrough in eradicating tuberculosis. However, it still lingers. "Invincible Microbe: Tuberculosis and the Never-Ending Search for a Cure," chronicles many failed attempts at eliminating this terrible disease. Even today we still get tested before going to school and before working with children. The doctor shoots a little fluid under the skin and you have them check it 2 days later. However, cases still pop up and prove that tuberculosis is not gone and not forgotten; it truly is an, "Invincible Microbe."

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